How to Enable Zoom Background Blur Feature.

We’ll explain in a few simple steps how to get that forgiving blur background on Zoom, whether you’re using the Zoom app on mobile (iOS and Android) or PC (Windows, Linux, and macOS). To keep things professional, and prevent your personal mess from distracting colleagues in an otherwise corporate meeting, the classic blurred background is a lifesaver! Well, if you’re being asked to show your lovely face but your backdrop looks like a jumble sale, then the blur camera filter is your best friend. Remote working has its perks and peeves and one of the biggest peeves can be the insistence we keep our video on. We all experience mess from time to time, and when we do, we don’t need the silent judgment of our colleagues to make matters worse.

The stacks of cereal bowls and coffee cups on your desk are beginning to resemble the Tower of Pisa. Your bookshelf is overflowing with files and folders that should have been sorted five years ago. The company does have a list of ways to effectively lock down your Zoom meetings and stop Zoombombing from happening.What a mess! Your kid’s taken a crayon to the wall, channeling their inner Picasso. In order to restrict this, the host has to go to their admin settings and disable the option before starting the meeting. The problem comes from Zoom’s default setting that the host of a meeting can’t control screen sharing. Newton was hosting his popular daily show WFH Happy Hour where anyone could join with the public ID and before long many of the attendees were being shown horrific videos as a troll entered the call and started sharing porn.Īttempting to block attacks by kicking the troll off these calls doesn’t help because they can simply re-enter the ID and join in as a different name. It gained prominence last year on a public Zoom call hosted by tech reporter Casey Newton. Zoombombing can occur when trolls get involved with public meetings is the name that has sprung up to mean when trolls interrupt a Zoom meeting and attempt to ruin it.