These files will be in ZIP format, but there is no need to extract them right now.
Once on the map’s page, copy its URL and paste it into Steam Workshop Downloader.Head over to Rocket League’s Steam Workshop and find a map you want to download.
Because you can’t just Subscribe to them on Steam, you will need to download them using a third-party site. The first step in both methods is to download the Steam Workshop maps you want to use. This guide will walk you through two different ways to import Steam Workshop maps into any version of Rocket League. There is, however, a way to use Steam Workshop maps on Epic Game’s Rocket League. The problem is, now that you can’t purchase Rocket League on Steam, the Steam Workshop isn’t accessible to new players, which can be frustrating for some, as the Workshop contains a ton of great training maps. Also it can be whatever size you want as long as its even (I think, id do 128,256,512 to be safe.Rocket League recently transitioned into an Epic Games free-to-play exclusive to bring in new players. Then move the JPEG to the desktop, not into the upload folder. Make a 512x512 JPEG image to be the thumbnail for your map, naming it anything you'd like.